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一级代理 化妆品 工业氧化锌99.7 锌氧粉99.5 锌白

一级代理 化妆品 工业氧化锌99.7 锌氧粉99.5 锌白

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精细化学品 - 无机颜料/填料 - 高岭土


产品名称 氧化锌 产品英文名 zinc oxide;zinc white 产品别名 锌氧粉;锌白 分子式 zno 产品用途 用作油漆颜料和橡胶的填充剂 cas号 1314-13-2 毒性防护 中毒者会出现食欲不佳、烦渴、疲倦、胸闷及压痛、嗜睡、干咳、并出现体温升高、瞳孔扩大、结膜及咽部、面部充血、糖尿,有时还出现肝大。重者出现肺间质水肿,肺泡上皮破坏。 发生中毒可吸入碱性物质、静脉注射葡萄糖(40%溶液20ml)和300mg抗坏血酸。根据症状服用强心剂。空气中高容许浓度0.5mg/m3。 操作中应戴防毒口罩,防护眼镜,穿工作服。工作后热水沐浴。要注意防止蒸气及气溶胶形成及排放到工作地点空气中。应注意防尘通风。 包装储运 用内衬2~3层80克牛皮纸或聚塑料袋的编织袋包装,每袋净重25kg、30kg。 贮存于通风、阴凉、干燥的库房中。包装要密封牢固,防止破损。防热、防水、防潮。并注意与强酸及食用原料隔离存放。 失火时,可用水、泡沫灭火器或其他灭火装置扑救。 物化性质 白色六角晶系结晶或粉末。无味、无毒、质细腻。相对密度5.606。折射率2.008~2.029。熔点1975℃。溶于酸、、化铵,不溶于水、和水。属两性氧化物。在空气中吸收和水生成碳酸锌呈黄色。加热时变黄,冷却后恢复白色。不透过紫外线,遇化不变黑。 质量标准 国家标准 gb 3494-83;国家标准 gb/t 3185-92 分子量 81.37 结构式 消耗定额 湿法氧化锌法 间接法碳酸锌法 直接法锌锭(zn 99.9%) 0.844粗氧化锌(zno 95%) 1.178氧化锌[zn(oh)2] 1.271(折合成纯锌) 0.9--------------------------------------------------------------------日本 间接法锌锭(zn 99.9%) 0.950 间接法氧化锌 分子式:zno 分子量:81.39 cas no:1314-13-2性状:本产品为白色粉末,比重为5.606,熔点1975 是一种两性氧化物,溶于酸碱、化铵和水中,不溶于不和,加热到1800 升华。用途:供橡胶、涂料、医药、油墨、电缆、电子、造币、搪瓷、火柴、化工、化妆品等工业作原料。包装:采刚塑料编织袋,内衬塑料薄膜袋包装。规格:每袋净含量25公斤或50公斤。质量指标(符合gb/t3185-92)项目指标ba01-05(i型)优级品氧化锌(zno以干品计)%≥ 99.70金属物(以zn计)%≤ 无(以pb计)%≤ 0.157锰的氧化物(mn计)%≤ 0.0001氧化铜(cu计)%≤ 0.0002不溶物%≤ 0.006灼烧减量%≤ 0.2筛余物(45um网眼)%≤ 0.1水溶物%≤ 0.1105挥发物%≤ 0.3吸油量 克/100克≤ -颜色(与标准样比) -消色力(与标准样比)≥ - 氧 化 锌序号指标名称0号1号2号3号1氧化锌(zno) %≥99.799.599982金属锌(zn )%≤000.008---3(pb0) %≤锰(mn) %≤000.0003---5氧化铜(cuo) %≤000.0005---6不溶物 %≤0.0060.0080.05---7灼烧减量 %≤目筛余物(目)325200120609外观白度(度) ≥95929080外观及包装: 有苦味的白色至灰白色粉末,内用塑料袋,外用双层防水压模编织袋,每袋25公斤。主要用途: 橡胶制品、涂料、医药、印染、颜料、化妆品、油漆、玻璃制品、瓷釉、化学试剂、、烟火等。主要特点: 氧化锌不溶于水,溶于、酸、和化铵溶液,比重5.606,熔点1975摄氏度。使用说明:氧化锌使用应防止受潮,不与强酸和碱物存入,不得与食用原料混放,失火时可用水浇救。氧化锌采用直接法和间接法生产,根据不同用途选择产品。其它说明: 本产品根据市场行情,实行市场浮动价。 氧化锌是一种白色或浅黄色粉末,无毒、无臭。它的密度为5.6/立方米,分子量为81.4,升华温度为1800摄氏度。不溶于水,能溶于强酸和强碱。 氧化锌的制备方法有三种,即间接法(法国法)、直接法(美国法)和湿化学法。间接法以金属锌锭为原料,把锌锭熔入蒸发坩锅中,经灼热气化通过空气氧化、冷却、捕集得到成品。直接法以含锌的氧化矿为原料,加入煤粉作还原剂,在高温下直接燃烧产生的锌蒸汽与热空气接触氧化生成氧化锌、冷却、捕集得到成品。湿化学法以含锌物料为原料,把原料溶解在酸中,经交货获得精制酸锌液,加入沉淀剂获得碳酸锌,后焙解得到氧化锌。 橡胶和轮胎工业是氧化锌的大用户,在橡胶的化过程中,能增加橡胶的物理性能。氧化锌也用于油漆、油墨、漆布的着色。它还可以用作润滑油添加剂、水处理和催化剂等化学行业。氧化锌是采用湿化学生产的超细活性氧化锌。它具有大的表面积,能够很好的分散在橡胶中,有害杂质含量低,在橡胶中用量公主间接法氧化锌的50-70%,它的性能指标如下所示:1. 物理性能:1. 外观:微黄色超细粉体,球形粒子,平均粒径30纳米。0.4-0.5克/毫升。2. 松装密度:3. 比表面积(bet): 40-60平方米/克。4. 筛余物(44微米筛): 小于0.10%。1. 化学分析:1. zno: 95-982. 灼伤失重: 小于3%3. 水份: 小于1%4. cuo (cu)小于0.00055. mno (mn)小于0.0036. pbo (pb)小于0.0001(xrf) appearance and packing:within the white to gray powder, taste bitter from using plastic bags, external use double deck waterproof die woven bags, 25 kg per bag. main application:rubber, coating, medicine, printing and dyeing, pigments, cosmetics, senior paint, glass, enamel, chemical reagents, military industry, fireworks, etc. main features:zinc oxide does not dissolve in water, soluble in hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide and ammonium chloride solution, specific gravity 5.606, melting point 1975 degrees celsius. directions for use:zinc oxide using should prevent be affected with damp be affected with damp, not with acid and alkali content, shall not be put with the consumption of raw materials mixing, when the fire with water. zinc oxide produced by direct method and indirect method, choose products according to different purposes. other details:this product according to the market, to market fudongjia. zno is a kind of white or light yellow powder, non-toxic, odourless. its density is 5.6 / m3, the molecular weight of 81.4, sublimation temperature is 1800 degrees celsius. insoluble in water, soluble in strong acid and strong alkali. there are three kinds of preparation methods of zno, namely the indirect method (france), direct method (usa) and wet chemical method. the indirect method for metal zinc ingots as raw material, melt into the evaporation in the crucible of the zinc ingots by heat gasification finished product is obtained by air oxidation, cooling and trapping. direct method with zinc oxide ore as raw material, adding pulverized coal as reductant, directly in the heat of steam and hot air generated by contact oxidation zinc oxide, zinc cooling and trapping for finished products. wet chemical method using zinc materials as raw materials, the raw materials dissolved in the sulfuric acid, the refined zinc sulfate solution, obtained from the delivery to join the precipitating agent for zinc carbonate, the roasting zinc oxide solution. rubber and tire industry is the biggest user of zinc oxide, in rubber vulcanization process, can increase the physical properties of the rubber. zinc oxide is used in paint, printing ink, varnished cloth color. it can also be used as a chemical industry such as lubricating oil additives, water treatment and catalyst. zinc oxide is produced by wet chemical xihuoxing zinc oxide. it has large surface area, it can well disperse in rubber, low content of harmful impurities in rubber consumption princess 50-70% of the indirect method zinc oxide, its performance indicators as shown below: 1. physical properties: 1. appearance: yellowish superfine powder, of spherical particles, the average particle size of 30 nm. 0.4 0.5 g/ml. 2. the apparent density: 3. the specific surface area (bet) : 40-60 square metres per gram. 4. screenings (44 micron strainer) : less than 0.10%. 1. chemical analysis: 1. the zno: 95-98 2. burn weightlessness: less than 3% 3. water: less than 1% 4. cuo (cu) is less than 0.0005 5. mno (mn) is less than 0.003 6. pbo (pb) is less than 0.0001 (xrf) 温馨提示:关于付款:1、广东省内支持货到付款;物流/快递可代收货款2、广东省外款到发货3、支持支付宝支付货款关于下单及发货时间:全国地区当天下午14:00前下单,当天发货(物流/快递)关于提供样品:样品免费提供,快递费自付;合作快递公司:顺丰、韵达、全峰,如有其他快递要求请提前联系! 导购推荐 型号 氧化锌 品牌 南华 产商/产地 韶关、广西 产品等级 活性氧化锌 型号/规格 25kg/包 含量 99.7(%) 执行质量标准 国标 cas 优级
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